New Feature 🍏
over 2 years ago

Beta Version is Live 🎉 🚀

Greetings! After almost two months in development first version of NotionHero is finally live. And the landing page ( it took me a week to finish it 😿 ).

NotionHero has two features live:
- Embeds
- Charts


With Embeds, you can easily embed your Notion Page into any website or website builder. Notion doesn't support this out of the box, which is why you can use NotionHero for this. It takes 30 seconds to convert your Notion Page into a simple iframe code that can be injected into any website.


Beautiful and simple charts for your Notion Databases. Visualize your data, and include it in Notion within a few clicks of your mouse. At the start, NotionHero supports six chart types and customization, such as colors or choosing any column as Axes.

Now it is time to collect your feedback and add more features!