New Feature 🍏
4 months ago

[Pro Feature] Password protection

Pro users can now protect their embeds with a password, and only those who know it can access the embed.

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[Pro Feature] Add Custom CSS to Embeds

Ho ho ho. A new feature right on Christmas Eve!
Pro users can now customize their embeds using Custom CSS code. This gives unlimited possibilities for customization. Soon this feature will be available for other widgets.
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New Feature 🍏
over 1 year ago

[Pro Feature] Protect your embeds

If you want to be sure that your embeds are only available from your website, and can't even be viewed by a direct link, then NotionHero is the first tool that allows this. Simply enter list of websites, and embeds will be rendered only on those websites.
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Back to life

Wow, it has been almost 12 months since the last update 😞

I have decided to resurrect this project, as it still gets a lot of traction and love from you all

In order to continue maintaining this project and adding more features, fixing bugs and keeping it alive, I'm adding a paid plan. NotionHero will stay free with 99% of features available for everyone. But for those who want to support NotionHero and me, you can upgrade to a Heroic plan for a low price and unlock extra sweet features. Like removing branding from embeds and widgets, adding a more personal touch to your embeds and more.

I also fixed a bug where sometimes charts were not editable, and added a possibility to duplicate widgets with just one click.

Improvement ⏫
over 2 years ago

[Buttons] Select background

Now you can select a background for your widgets: no color, solid color, or one of 25 predefined gradients

[Charts] Define a starting point for Pie and Doughnut charts

It can be a number from 0 to 360
Improvement ⏫
over 2 years ago

[Charts] Group By Date

When selecting a date as an X-Axis, it is now possible to group by Day, Week, Month, or Year.
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New Feature 🍏 Improvement ⏫
over 2 years ago

Copy to Clipboard widget Button

Right after I shipped Widget Buttons I decided to implement a very neat Copy to Clipboard button type.

Select "Button Action" -> "Copy to clipboard", enter the string you want to be copied, and voilà!

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New Feature 🍏
over 2 years ago

Widget Buttons are live

Something I have been working on for the last couple of days. As the first part of the Widgets feature, I have decided to ship Buttons 🤩 At the moment, they only work as links, so they are perfect for CTAs, building a collection of links, and redirecting your users to the pages. 
Buttons are customizable:
- Flat or Outline buttons
- Define custom colors, fonts, etc
- Hundreds of icons from Font Awesome library
- Customizable layout: stretch buttons, N numbers per row, min Width.

New Feature 🍏
over 2 years ago

Beta Version is Live 🎉 🚀

Greetings! After almost two months in development first version of NotionHero is finally live. And the landing page ( it took me a week to finish it 😿 ).

NotionHero has two features live:
- Embeds
- Charts


With Embeds, you can easily embed your Notion Page into any website or website builder. Notion doesn't support this out of the box, which is why you can use NotionHero for this. It takes 30 seconds to convert your Notion Page into a simple iframe code that can be injected into any website.


Beautiful and simple charts for your Notion Databases. Visualize your data, and include it in Notion within a few clicks of your mouse. At the start, NotionHero supports six chart types and customization, such as colors or choosing any column as Axes.

Now it is time to collect your feedback and add more features!